Joe Konrath, The List
Product DetailsFormat: Kindle Edition
File Size: 759 KB
Print Length: 304 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 145288126X
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
ASIN: B00267T89E
Lending: Enabled
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars (157 customer reviews)
1. Short review:
2. Long review:
2.1. What I liked: The List changed my standards for thrillers. It set the bar higher. There is action in every chapter. I felt exhausted just reading the book. I had to put the book down to take a breath.Roller-coaster or walk-in-the-park? Oh, roller coaster. Definitely roller coaster.
This book gives great value for your money.
2.3. Who I think is the audience: Technothriller fans. Near-term science fiction fans.
2.4. Is the book appropriate for children to read? No. No sex, but extreme violence.
2.5. On the basis of reading this book, will I buy the author's next book? Yes.
2.6. Other: How would you react if you discovered you were the living incarnation of Thomas Jefferson? Albert Einstein? Joan of Arc? Or Jack the Ripper?
2.7. Links:
2.8. Buy the book: The List